At the end of the following video, there is a young woman with a bullhorn shouting:
This woman led a group of about 500 protesters down Santa Monica Blvd., through Beverly Hills, and down the Sunset Strip, shouting, chanting, and protesting inequality. She was just one person, not connected to the No on 8 campaign, who believed deeply in something and decided to make a change and make an impact. She kept the crowd pumped, but respectful and organized, using the strategy of blocking traffic to maximize the effectiveness and visibility of the protest, forever changing the history of this protest, and making her impact on this civil rights movement. Below the video, please find the blog entry post for Obama IS America! authored by this powerful woman.
Thank you.
[image added by the Editor]
Today I wake an African American 26yr old filmmaker/comedian settled in love and visualizing my aspirations, my dreams. Loose with the mouth smartass if you like, a carefree superficial down to earth sociopathic angle, on a global pilgrimage just to be present; The American Dream. We must stay present in a moment like this in all moments so that we realize the value of our time and the urgency to act now to breathe and act freely now. We as human beings, myself included, live with fear on a daily basis and anyone who’s been afraid or startled before knows it’s a paralyzing experience. Our fear can prevent us from going down the stairs in our own basement too late at night or it can keep us from introducing ourselves to someone who we’re interested in knowing. Each day we operate out of fear—at least once during the course of the day. If you are one of the rare individuals who doesn’t operate out of fear, I imagine you have found true peace amongst the lost and wicked, but it is not enough to be wise you must share your wisdom with others so we as a people can stand out of stagnation and be fearless in our political and social stands. We fixate on the differences between each other because it’s instilled in us the moment we enter any institution and second because it’s natural at least on a physical level. Although we all live here we don’t take everyone for fellow statesmen. I grew up with a stepfather who loved to watch Westerns, so by default I watched a few and what I liked about them was the end when the character traveled or got to a new town some family would welcome some strangers received; they would put them up for the night and give them supper and the next morning send them off with good wishes and good travels. Some of us have had this experience in our personal lives but it’s definitely not the norm, but why can’t it be, at least at some level….American history would include true representations of who we really are and globally how we want to be represented. It’s disturbing how much common intelligence is lost between the cracks of blind ignorance. Watching the RNC these past couple of months trying to grasp some understanding of where Bush and McCain supporters store their conviction…I’d like to think that we were all striving for peace and in fact George Bush used the word peace at the end of his speech the other night but I can’t see how that can be attained by feeding a war like many wars that leaves so many people of all creeds socially, mentally, spiritually and physically displaced. People—do we see the same America in front of us? Quite frankly when I think about the fact that in my life I’m experiencing public displays of ignorance at such a level in the workforce, to work at the White House, to work in politics, there’s an unspoken respect. And sometimes the response is bitterness or sometimes the response to someone working in that field is an ideological but now realistic goal for anyone who hasn’t experienced all the wonderful things on the creed by our fore fathers or mothers. As an American I’m free to choose my route…then I go into neighborhoods and my fear of stereotypes and the unknown tribes around me make me closed off to the culture that’s before me and I wonder why do I feel so distant from these people whom I know want peace ultimately. …Peace…. Everyone having enough. A desire to create a world where fear in non-existent fears trap us in immeasurable ways…
Obama shines
He smiles genuinely
He takes his time with people.
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