Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thoughts on the Gas Guzzler Bailout

Even though it seems like the GM bailout is pretty much a done deal, in this blog post, I would like to throw out an idea, that idea being that it is a terrible idea to bail out GM based on the experiences of other countries that have gone through economic crisis.

In 1997, the economies of several Asian nations shocked the world by crashing one by one in what is known as the *Asian Financial Crisis*. There are a multitude of reasons for why this happened on the local and international levels within each of the different countries that suffered economic failure. However, for countries hit especially hard, like Korea, the subsidizing (using government/public money to help pay for the costs of a company or organization) of large, uncompetitive and uncreative mega-companies (these mega-companies are called chaebol) played a large role in leading to serious economic crisis. Government protection of these companies from the forces of the international economy allowed for a lot of the unproductiveness and corruption that happened within the chaebol structure to occur in the first place, later leading to wide scale economic crisis.

It seems to me that the US's desire to bailout GM is akin to the subsidization of the chaebol in Korea. The connection I see is that the chaebol were huge, unwieldy, heavily indebted companies protected from external competition, which were subsidized by the government because of their huge role in the Korean economy.

Similarly, instead of letting a large, unproductive, unwieldy, uncompetitive and bankrupt company (GM) submit to the rigors of the market and therefore go bankrupt, the US wants to bail it out, i.e., subsidize it to continue to live on with public funds. It seems that the rationale behind the GM bailout is that it will prevent us from feeling the burn of this major company dying, and more jobs won't be lost.

However, I see the bailout of GM as being nothing more than a short-term solution and generally a terrible investment by the US. I cannot foresee the bailout of GM having any major impact in the long run, especially considering that the conditions for the bailout do not seem to be nearly as rigorous as they should be. It seems to me that the way that the conditions for the bailout are being structured will likely rule out any sweeping company-wide structural reforms from occurring within GM as a company. If this is the case, then it seems that this giant, unwieldy conglomerate will mostly likely continue to be unwieldy and not as efficient, creative, and productive as it could/SHOULD be.

Here are a couple of articles that have had some influence on my thought on these matters:

*Why not just file for bankruptcy?* (this story is being posted below.)

*A GM Bailout? Here are my terms for a deal*

As I mentioned before, I don't know enough about these issues, and would love if someone could provide more insights about whether or not there is a comparison to be made here, and a lesson to be learned.

If anyone here has any thoughts on these matters, I would love to see what you have to say, even if it means that the idea expressed above will be torn apart.

Also, in case you are interested, the comments (in slightly modified form) in this blog post were posted as a comment to Harvard political economist Dani Rodrik’s blog, which you can access by clicking *here*.


Why not just file for bankruptcy?

President-elect Barack Obama and Democrats are facing the first important test of their promise of change, and they are about to land heavily on the side of the status quo in the most embarrassing and contemptible way. 

In their hyperventilated drive to "save" General Motors (read: the United Auto Workers union), they are deploying our wallets to save a failed business, when real "change" would be bankruptcy, from which would emerge a better and more competitive enterprise. 

The $25 billion lifeline, to be sliced from the $700 billion Troubled Assets Relief Program meant for the financial industry, rewards GM for decades of incompetence, greed and sterile thinking. We should scram as far as possible from GM's legacy, not resuscitate it. But if Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President George W. Bush, with Obama's blessing, put GM on life support, they would be wallowing in exactly the kind of capitulation to special interests that just weeks ago Democrats condemned.  

The UAW has spent $24.6 million in campaign contributions, virtually all to Democratic candidates, in the last 20 years, while GM has spent $10 million on lobbying in just 2008, according to the non-partisan A few weeks before the election, the UAW announced a $3 million ad campaign in support of Obama.

These millions don't include the uncounted piles of dough that the company and union have spent in the last few weeks to pressure Washington into a bailout. 

Over the weekend, Pelosi assured us that GM and the UAW wouldn't get off scot-free, that the $25 billion would come with "strings" attached, such as requiring Detroit to embrace the technology of more fuel-efficient cars—never mind that a different $25 billion of our money already has been set aside in loans for that purpose. Pelosi said the additional $25 billion wouldn't be "new money" because it was coming from "existing" bailout funds. You mean that $700 billion, which suddenly showed up in the last month from who knows where, isn't new money? Stop it, Nancy. 

Pelosi's other strings would include a vague company "restructuring" to assure its "long-term" viability. Yeah, sure, we can trust the auto industry and UAW, which made this mess in the first place (GM's car sales began sliding a long time before the current financial crisis arrived), to do what it should have done decades ago.  

The best, and perhaps only, way to accomplish what needs to be done is for a bankruptcy judge and his appointed trustee to oversee a top-to-bottom reorganization of the high-bound, uncreative and sluggish company. (For example: How about breaking up GM, which has too many models and divisions, into separate companies, freeing themselves of the brain lock imposed by a lumbering bureaucracy and an unimaginative central management?)  

What's needed is a start-over. And a bankruptcy judge has the power to force the company to go back to square one by, among other things, forcing a recasting of the ridiculously rich union contracts. Stockholders, bondholders and other creditors and suppliers will be hurt by a bankruptcy, so why should organized labor escape whole?

If there absolutely must be a government cash infusion, New York University business professor Edward Altman says it should only be made on the condition of GM declaring bankruptcy, to protect the public's interest. No one can predict that the economy won't suffer greatly if GM is ushered into bankruptcy, but anyone who insists that he knows that a nationwide depression will surely follow if we don't cough up $25 billion more for GM is a faker, even a liar.  

Declaring bankruptcy doesn't mean that plant and dealership doors would be padlocked the next day and hundreds of thousands of workers would be instantly on the street—an impression that GM and UAW propagandists would like everyone to believe.

Bankruptcy requires an orderly process, prescribed by law, under which the company can be reorganized and emerge strong and resilient. Reorganization would allow the assembly lines to continue running while arranging reasonable warranties, maintenance and service for customers.  

Sure, it will take creativity and skill to handle a meaningful transformation, but that will never happen if the Washington friends of GM and UAW plop $25 billion in their laps. 

Dennis Byrne is a Chicago-area writer and consultant. He blogs at http://dennis

Letter from Obama for America

Below is a letter from Obama for America (Obama's Campaign) with some good links and things to keep people in the loop about the Administration transition process (go to ** and check out what they are doing!) and plans for Obama's inauguration.

Happy Sunday everyone!

Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting President-elect Barack Obama and Obama for America.  Barack greatly appreciates the outpouring of messages he is receiving from across the country and from Americans around the world.  He is deeply honored by the confidence the American people have placed in him and in Vice President-elect Biden.  Please click here to see President-elect Obama’s speech on Election Night:

Barack Obama and Joe Biden are hopeful about the opportunities and clear-eyed about the challenges our nation faces.  They look forward to working with all Americans, regardless of who they voted for, in the great project of American renewal.  Enlisting the energy and ingenuity of the American people is the only way we will create the changes that so many people want to see, so we hope you’ll be involved.

You have just contacted Obama for America, the Obama/Biden campaign organization.  A new organization has been formed to facilitate communication with the Obama/Biden Administration that will take office on January 20, 2009.  If you have questions, suggestions, or comments about the federal government, policy, or the coming Obama/Biden Administration, please visit the online Office of the President-elect for more information and to get involved:

If you’re contacting us because you’ve been energized by your participation in our grassroots movement, we hope you will remain active in your community and involved in national policy debates.    Please continue to visit regularly.  We’ve built one of the most comprehensive nationwide organizing networks in history, and our victory on November 4th is only the beginning of the work we will do together.

The 56th Presidential Inauguration will take place on January 20th, 2009.  For more information, we encourage you to visit the websites of the Presidential Inauguration Committee and the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.

Due to the extremely number of messages we are currently receiving, we may be unable to respond to your message individually, but we do appreciate hearing from you and hope you’ll work with us as we build America’s future together.

Thank you again for contacting us.

Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

Friday, November 28, 2008

Article: Obama on Thanksgiving: 'A New and Brighter Day Is Yet To Come'

Below, please find an article about Obama, his Thanksgiving speech, and what he did with his family (including volunteering at a food bank).  Also, read the comments people wrote about the article (which you can find underneath the article) if you get the chance.  They are quite interesting.


Obama on Thanksgiving: 'A New and Brighter Day Is Yet To Come'

November 27, 2008 11:11 AM

Published by ABC News Blog

ABC News’ Matt Jaffe reports from Chicago:

The day after President-elect Barack Obama wrapped up his third press conference on the economy in as many days, he acknowledged on Thanksgiving that "times are tough" for the country, but harkened back to the successes of President Abraham Lincoln in reassuring Americans that "a new and brighter day is yet to come."

Listen to it HERE.

"Times are tough. There are difficult months ahead," Obama said in the weekly Democratic Radio Address, released two days early in time for the holiday. "But we can renew our nation the same way that we have in the many years since Lincoln's first Thanksgiving: by coming together to overcome adversity; by reaching for –- and working for –- new horizons of opportunity for all Americans. So this weekend –- with one heart, and one voice, the American people can give thanks that a new and brighter day is yet to come."

Watch it HERE.

Obama is spending the holiday at his Chicago home with his wife Michelle and their daughters Malia and Sasha, after volunteering at a food bank in their hometown Wednesday afternoon.

Vice President-elect Joe Biden and his wife Jill headed north from their home in Wilmington, Del., to spend Thanksgiving with their family in Nantucket, off the Massachusetts coast.

Obama spent the first three days of this week emphasizing the "historic" economic crisis the country is facing, calling for "bold" government action, such as a massive stimulus package he wants Congress to have ready for him when he is inaugurated on January 20th.

On this national holiday, Obama not only acknowledged the nation's financial troubles, but also paid tribute to the troops serving abroad in America's two wars.

"This Thanksgiving also takes place at a time of great trial for our people," he said. "Across the country, there were empty seats at the table, as brave Americans continue to serve in harm's way from the mountains of Afghanistan to the deserts of Iraq. We honor and give thanks for their sacrifice, and stand by the families who endure their absence with such dignity and resolve. At home, we face an economic crisis of historic proportions."

In order to overcome the financial problems, Obama reiterated, "It's going to take bold and immediate action to confront this crisis."

But the Illinois lawmaker stated that government action alone will not be enough to revive the economy.

"This Thanksgiving, we are reminded that the renewal of our economy won't come from policies and plans alone –- it will take the hard work, innovation, service, and strength of the American people," concluded the President-elect.

On Thanksgiving morning, Obama went to the gym to work off some of the Thanksgiving grub awaiting him later in the day. He is expected to spend the holiday weekend with his family in Chicago, with a trip to the stores possible as well.

Noting Wednesday that his two daughters had already submitted their wish-lists for Santa, Obama said he might even do some "extra shopping" on Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year.

After the holiday weekend, it's back to work for the suddenly media-friendly President-elect, who took a total of 13 questions from reporters in his tripleheader newsers this week and will face more early next week when he is expected to unveil his national security team.

-- Matt Jaffe

November 27, 2008 | Permalink | User Comments (46)

User Comments

Barack Obama has set the bar too high and his supporters are expecting miracles in a very short period of time, but his greatest challenge is going to be lifting the tens of millions of inner-city voters out from a life of crime and poverty. African-Americans in particular have always felt that they were not represented and therefore, neglected. Now, one of their own is going to be President and Democrats will have overwhelming control of both the House and expectations are that NOW they will expect their fortunes to be reversed. Unfortunately, their hopes and dreams will be crushed by the reality that government is not going to change their fortunes for them. There are some who will continue to work their way to a better life, but not much more than in years past. For almost all, their situation today will still exist in 2012. My only question is...will they continue to be the victims of the Democratic Party, or will they expand their political views? Telling people what they want to hear may get their attention and in the short-term may inspire them to initiate action; but over the long haul, they must see significant progress to sustain that movtivation...or they will fall into despair and quit. Barack Obama has achieved the initial inspiration part and he has the Congress in his hip pocket, but can he sustain that momentum as Republicans attempt to undermine him at home (like Democrats did to President Bush) and our enemies undermine us abroad? I think we are in for a long four years, but I hope I am wrong.

Posted by: Gary | Nov 28, 2008 11:44:11 AM

they hated us before Bush. they are jealous as we were the richest most powerful nation on earth

Posted by: al | Nov 28, 2008 11:05:24 AM

If hussein holds another press conference to announce his plans I'm going to vomit. When will this lying tool (he's already gone back on or repositioned himself on every campaign promise since he won) stop campaigning and realize he will have to make decisions and stand on his positions as a president. Too bad he's never lead anything.

Posted by: Rob | Nov 28, 2008 8:06:19 AM


Yeah, Bush kept us safe alright. 911 happened on HIS WATCH.

Yeah, he invaded the WRONG country and only stoked up resentment among Middle-Easters. I personally would be pretty angry if my family member got killed in a mis-targeted air-strike.

Yeah, he kept us safe alright. The Americans in Mumbai aren't very safe now. The troops in Afghanistan aren't very safe now either.

Yeah, we haven't been attacked on home soil since after 911, but the whole world pretty much hated us (until Obama won, that is).

Posted by: Grey Matter | Nov 28, 2008 5:23:49 AM

>>To that person who wasn't grateful to >>Bush for keeping us safe after 911, >>maybe 911 would not have happened if >>Clinton had done something, ANYTHING, >>after the UN was bombed!

Posted by: Anna | Nov 27, 2008 3:48:33 PM

Anna, you suffer the same vices as the Bush administration. You're too damned confident about things that you know nothing about, but you only want to look at mirrors of your uninformed opinion. When hubris meets ignorance you get elitists: democrats and republicans.

Attention GOP puppets: read Tenet's newest book and Bob Baer's book to understand exactly what's wrong with our intelligence agency and what's right with it. If you are literate, honest, and have any firing neurons you would know the CIA lost its ways under REAGAN! And even then take the time to actually learn what the agency told the BUSH administration about Iraq and then think. I know it makes you uncomfortable, but your country needs your patriotism, not your chauvinism. You might began to answer the question about how "safe" we all are today, with an iota of fact.

Try cracking a book you don't want read with an open mind. Maybe the _Iraq study group report_? Don't worry its short. We were all born imperfect and will die imperfect, but unless you try to grow every day of your life you might as well be dead.

Posted by: Patriot | Nov 28, 2008 12:49:07 AM

Hey bal
I have some for you? You reap what you sow. Fact is that either Obama puts out or shut up! If you want respect & support, then he better show some decisive ACTION. It speaks louder than words and don't forget respect. Time will tell? And I am also independent.

Posted by: marty | Nov 28, 2008 12:31:54 AM

the last 16 years have done wonders to our country-----slick willy and his trade sellouts and bush with his freaking obama is expected to correct it all before he is even sworn in as pres. it is no wonder this country is in such a mess.

Posted by: rodney | Nov 27, 2008 9:47:08 PM

Does a new and brighter day yet to come mean that things can't get much worse? But tis better to have holiday cheer than none!

Posted by: kat | Nov 27, 2008 9:13:30 PM

Just hearing president elect Obama speak, as compared to president Bush gives me hope that he can in time turn around this mess that the Bush lead Republican Party has gotten us in.

Posted by: marty | Nov 27, 2008 7:57:21 PM

Yes, PEBO - in about 4-8 years!

So: If God's people will humble themselves and pray, and cease from their wicked ways,... God will heal their land! :)

Posted by: aware2u | Nov 27, 2008 7:28:23 PM

Hey Brent, Take away the college kiddies and the blacks and Obama would NEVER have won.......

Posted by: Anna | Nov 27, 2008 3:50:34 PM

That's not even close to the truth Anna. Obama won in all catagories. Check the facts.

Posted by: d | Nov 27, 2008 5:48:57 PM

One more thing we need to get straight. Mr. Obama is not the President-elect. He will not be until the electoral college votes and that won't happen until December. If we are going to be so accurate about things on here lets start with who Obama even is.

Posted by: Jeremy | Nov 27, 2008 5:47:29 PM

President-elect Obama is love and America incarnate, we can all learn from him. Happy Thanksgiving.

Posted by: SB | Nov 27, 2008 5:40:01 PM

no matt , hes not going to be trapped by unfriendly reporters pre-biasing the gullible american readers/voters.

your questions will all get answered once he effectively gets his hands on the levers that run this country.

hes going to let his actions do the talking... just sit back and watch.

also of republican whiners remember , dont forget about april 15th!

Posted by: bal | Nov 27, 2008 5:02:06 PM

The election was a landslide if all you count is people 30 and younger. Looking at it from the GOP side it IS too bad you can't take them away. The real scary part is voters who were 30 and younger for this election will include all the voters 34 and younger for the next election, and their numbers are only going to grow as a percentage of the voting population going forward. This is the beginning of a generational shift in politics.

Posted by: snodman | Nov 27, 2008 4:35:51 PM

Hey Brent, Take away the college kiddies and the blacks and Obama would NEVER have won.......

Posted by: Anna | Nov 27, 2008 3:50:34 PM

To that person who wasn't grateful to Bush for keeping us safe after 911, maybe 911 would not have happened if Clinton had done something, ANYTHING, after the UN was bombed! Anyone who has faith in these democrats better pray that they change, trust me.

Posted by: Anna | Nov 27, 2008 3:48:33 PM

Lets see what everyone things an him this time next year or when these problems don't miraculously disappear on January 21

Posted by: Brent | Nov 27, 2008 3:40:37 PM

President elect Obama was chosen by 52% of voters. An even larger percentage around the world is happy he won. I hate to tell you Obama-haters, but you guys are in the minority.

Posted by: Edwin L. Jones | Nov 27, 2008 3:33:18 PM

Mr Obama , blah, blah , blah, blah blahhhh.

Posted by: Frank | Nov 27, 2008 3:29:08 PM

America is already a brighter place, having elected Barak Obama as our president. His vision for a future inspires us to achieve it. Yes, it will take much energy and determination to undo the damage of the past eight years, but Yes We Can.

I for one am proud again to be an American.

To a reinvigorated and uncorrupted America. Happy Thanksgiving.

- Arye Michael Bender -

Posted by: Arye Michael Bender | Nov 27, 2008 3:18:41 PM

Isn't it about time that some of you leave the party politics at the door? For those of you who still insist upon continually bashing Mr. Obama may I remind you that he has yet to take office. For someone who is President-Elect, I feel he is already doing an excellent job of uniting a fragmented country and bringing the opposition into the fold. What other President-Elect has had to shoulder so much, so soon, prior to even being sworn in? I look forward to the Obama administration! This guy is good and I am even more confident in his abilities to lead and provide a vision. As for Mr. Bush, well.. history shall be his judge. Who knows what one would have done given the events and circumstances at the time. However, he should be given many kudos for his graciousness in welcoming the new administration with such openess and a willingness to work together. There's A LOT to be credited for that alone. For the still impossible naysayers, I ask you to ask yourself; "Could John McCain AND especially Sarah Palin have done any better?" Ms. Palin continues to underline her ineptness on a daily basis! ...Remember, she was John McCaine's choice of which I would say is a direct reflection of his decision-making ability.

Posted by: FS | Nov 27, 2008 3:14:38 PM

to mksyed:

What are you talking about?!

Posted by: vince vaughn | Nov 27, 2008 2:52:50 PM

Got bless Barak Obama.

Posted by: Gerry | Nov 27, 2008 2:38:41 PM

Hey Man, Say President Obama.Your President. If Bush can be President with "Stolen election" and do all this crap and you can say him president
why you cant say PRESIDENT OBAMA who won LANDSLIDE. I know some of you redneck do not like that,Ha. Dont make us laugh.Open your eyes,come back to is changing.This is just the begining. I respect the GUTS of President BARAK OBAMA.He is a "SON OF A GUN" President of USA.

Posted by: mksyed | Nov 27, 2008 2:30:57 PM

I am waiting when Bush and all those 
Republican "cowboys" are leaving.I hate
this people and of course 60-70% of all americans. They proved it and Voted fot it.Now we are all "Democrats" and will rule our country for Eight years of course for sure and may be next 12-16 years.Republicans are"Dog and Cat food".
From 2050 onwards whether Republican can Win "White House"is Questionable ??

Posted by: mksyed | Nov 27, 2008 2:18:51 PM

How can people say Bush kept us safe? Under whose Presidency did Sept 11th happen? Let's not forget that.


Posted by: Lisa | Nov 27, 2008 2:16:45 PM

Thanksgiving is what this man is talking about. My greatest hope is that we can remember that both parties have a say in what course this country will track notthose most Jingoistic. My prayers are with President-elect Obama and the efforts he is making to bring this country back from a precipace we (in looking at other posts in this blog) are getting too. Lets try to come to consensus in this country for our childrens good. It will not happen overnight but it will not happen at all if we are all not openminded.