Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Speeches from the Democratic National Convention

Here are some videos from the Democratic National Convention this past week. The speakers in order are:

1. Barack Obama - Presidential nomination acceptance speech

2. Joe Biden – Vice Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party

3. Caroline Kennedy introduces Ted Kennedy, supports Barack Obama

4. Ted Kennedy

5. Hillary Clinton

6. Michelle Obama

7. Bill Clinton

8. Al Gore

Please feel free to comment on any or all of these videos, or on your thoughts about the DNC Convention last week in the comment section below.  

If there are any speeches in particular from last week's convention that you would like to see included in this post, please leave a comment or send an email to obama.is.america@gmail.com   Enjoy!

Barack Obama:

Joe Biden:

Caroline Kennedy:

Ted Kennedy:

Hillary Clinton:

Michelle Obama:

Bill Clinton:

Al Gore:

NOTE: Please look forward to an upcoming blog post that contains a list of speeches from this week's Republican National Convention. Thank you

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