Monday, May 18, 2009

Regressive politics = Lack of progress

Name calling and having the populace vote on propositions about which they don't really know much is like so totally last century.  Or is it?  California is in crisis (even more so, somehow, than the federal government) and is putting propositions to the people to vote on concerning the budget, and no one seems to be able to find consensus.  A reader received a letter from Legislators stating that voting yes on all the props coming up on tomorrow's special election ballot will be good for the LGBT community.  Our reader took issue with this, and also took issue with right-wing name calling contained in the email.  Please find these emails below, and below the emails, please find a video of the Beatles' 'Come Together'.  

CLICK HERE for more info on the California Propositions on the ballot tomorrow. This link also urges voters to vote no on 1E. Generally speaking, don't forget to read up before you vote, and don't forget to vote!!!  Enjoy!

Dear EQCA,

Actually, I have found evidence to the contrary of the information contained in the email you just sent out.  I think that if Prop 1E and 1D were to pass, it would actually cost the state a lot more in the long run, especially in terms to the damage it would do to society.  I know less about 1D, but as for 1E, Prop 63 money is ALL in use, and should NOT be diverted.  This would be TERRIBLE for society. It provides a lot of emergency relief and high level engagement treatment (hours a day) for severely mentally ill lower income people of all age groups.  Considering that 1 in 4 or 1 in 10 gay youth or something ridiculous drop out of high school or end up homeless due to parents kicking them out or being tortured in school, and then become poor homeless people in need of emergency and intervention public mental health services, slashing Prop 63 funds, (which are ALL in use right now) would harm the most vulnerable people in the LGBT community.  And there is a high likelihood that these are kids from mostly lower income backgrounds.  I think that more thought and less name calling would be appropriate here.  Right wing this and that sure, but what are the policies that the right wingers have put in place, and how have they been detrimental?  I want to know, and then more appropriate action can take place.  But I do not think this email is on point at all, and it certainly doesn't open the question up more broadly as to what passing every measure would mean.  As I understand, California is on the brink of complete disaster.  Well, then I think that there should be some more clarity on what the heck people are going to be voting for.  

Maybe these legislators should fight to put off the special election so that Californians would have more time to debate instead of thoughtlessly pushing for Californians to push yes buttons on Props they know nothing about.  We are not sheep.  California is full of smart, hardworking, cosmopolitan people, who are this way at all income levels and of all ethnic/racial/cultural/linguistic/national/etc backgrounds.  We are smart enough to be engaged in a discussion about how state funding is going to impact our very lives.  Because it is the average Californian whose life is at stake, and certainly not the life of the Governator, an oil tycoon, or other super wealthy or politically involved individual.  The American people should be able to really hash this budget debate out in a public forum.  This is what these Legislators should be fighting against, not rightwinger name calling.  That doesn't get me or anyone else out there anywhere.  As someone who spent the last year working on a policy project related to mental health in California, particularly Prop 63, I have seen first hand the benefits and importance of this program.  This  email makes me really upset.  I'm sure something can be worked out with the state budget.  Why has there been no call to the people to ask them how money should be spent and what would be best to cut? 

Please check out this site for somewhat of a more balanced view on the financial crisis in California:

If you could, please forward this email on to the appropriate individuals who could hear what I am saying.  This is really important.

Thank you.


On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 2:13 PM, California LGBT Legislative Caucus <> wrote:

May 16, 2009

Our friends in the LGBT Legislative Caucus asked EQCA to send out this important message about Tuesday's election. Although EQCA PAC has not taken a position on these measures, below please find the unanimous recommendations of our LGBT legislators for your consideration. And remember to vote on Tuesday, May 19.

Dear Sasha, 

On Tuesday, May 19, our State has a special election with six important propositions on the ballot, Propositions 1A-1F.

We encourage you to join us in support of Props 1A-1F for the sake of our schools, access to health care, the environment, children, seniors, working families and our underserved communities.  It is vital to the future of our shared agenda in California.

Because of an arcane rule that gives Republicans veto power over our state budget, we have already been forced to make drastic cuts to vital state programs such as health care, education and environmental protection.

If these measures do not pass, the right-wing hardliners are determined to “starve” state government by slashing schools, health care and hard-fought social and environmental protections will only be encouraged. 

Propositions 1A-1F will ratify more than $30 billion in new taxes and other revenues that will help stabilize our budget so we can avoid having to make even more painful cuts in the future. These revenues are a significant concession that progressives were able to demand as part of this year’s budget, and we cannot allow these funds to come off the books.                                          

These measures will also ensure that education is adequately funded and create an important long-term reserve fund, so when we have future budget shortfalls, major cuts can be prevented.

These aren’t perfect solutions, but they are the only viable solutions on the table. Unlike some of the right-wing budget measures that have on previous ballots, none of the initiatives will restrain our core values. The fight for single-payer health care will continue. Improving public education will still be attainable, increased environmental protections will move forward and alleviating poverty will remain a top priority. And, of course, history’s long and overdue march toward marriage equality will continue to accelerate.  

Being progressive and being fiscally responsible are not mutually exclusive. We must support these budget measures because, if they fail, we will be forced to make even deeper cuts and we will be continually focused on resolving the budget rather than advancing a progressive agenda for this state.

Please join us in supporting Props 1A-1F.


Senator Mark LenoChair
3rd Senate District


Senator Christine Kehoe
39th Senate District


Assemblymember Tom Ammiano
13th Assembly District
Assemblymember John A. Pérez
46th Assembly District

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